Monday, June 15, 2015

Jane Austin's Book Club

I honestly hated this film. I do not think there is anything I would rather avoid watching. I do not see a single redeeming quality, just reasoning for me to dislike this film. The first and most obvious reason is the constant jumps in time, and quite frankly, those made it hard for me to follow the film and it aggravated me. The next issue in my opinion with this film is the underlying feminist message, as they bring up Austin in one scene, they nearly imply that she was too good for men, therefore she never married. Also, I found the acting to be unbelieveable, just like when anytime emotions were supposed to be expressed. I could not believe the acting, I found the movie aggravating and  I just was not satisfied. I would recommend this book to people I can not stand and also people who like to waste two hours.

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