Sunday, June 14, 2015

Orphan Train #1

To be completely honest, I am not at all fond of Orphan Train. I view this entire novel as a weakness in itself, with very few redeeming qualities. The foremost weakness I see is the impossibility for me to follow a story due to the constant change in character. Using Vivian and Molly is highly aggravating me because I do not enjoy their flip flopping and change in time periods on a frequent basis. Also, the name switching on Vivian's part from Neimh to Dorothy to Vivian was irritating to me as well. This also made the novel even harder to follow upon, and adding insignificant characters such as Dutchy just overwhelmed me. Lastly, the biggest flaw in the novel is Molly herself. Kline claims she captures the attitude of Molly from teenagers in her home in Montclair, NJ that were friends with friends of her sons. In this case, Kline needs to reevaluate the children she allows into her home because Molly was an aggravating pessimist who looked to be upset. I only see one mildly redeeming quality was the historical accuracy in respect to the way the children were described. Overall, at this point in the novel, I rate it a 3/10. Thumbs Down.

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